Best Omega 3 Sources For Vegans


As we wake up to veganism and plant-based eating for health reasons as well as for environmental reasons, there are a few health and supplement questions that arise as we embark on the journey. But what are some of the best Vegan Alternatives To Fish Oil  for vegans.

What Is Fish Oil?

Fish oil is the oil derived from the tissue of oily fish. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil is a healthy supplement that is known to alleviate inflammation, among other things. It is not a vegan-friendly supplement however, and therefore vegans need to find an alternative supplement to enjoy similar health benefits.

Fish oil does have alternatives though, and some of them are plentiful in all the active ingredients like omega-3 fatty acids, as well as many more.

 What Is Omega-3?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids do so much good and have far-reaching health benefits. Omega-3 has been known to lower blood pressure as well as slow down the development of plaque in the arteries, which in turn reduces the likelihood of heart attack or stroke.

While omega-3 is the nutrient needed for lowering of plaque, omega-6 does not have the same benefits, and it is generally considered that 3 grams of fish oil is enough to obtain the necessary goodness from omega-3.

 Can Vegan and Vegetarians Consume Fish Oil?

There is always the ongoing questions regarding to what can or cannot be eaten on a vegan diet or vegetarian diet, and the short answer regards to fish oil is no, it cannot be consumed if you are on a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Many vegans and plant-based diet eaters have chosen their diets purely for health reasons. If this is the case, then vegans can sometimes consider fish oil supplements, for the associated health benefits. If however someone has chosen to be vegan for ethical reasons, then there is no way around it and fish oil cannot be consumed. 

If you’re still fairly unsure about   best omega 3 sources for vegans , then you will need to do your research and find your optimum alternative, and stick to it.

Vegan Alternatives To Fish Oil

It is a rapidly growing trend that the world is turning to vegan and plant-based food, and there are a number of reasons behind this.

It has long been known that there are numerous health benefits behind moderate meat and dairy consumption and over the last few years, as this train of thought has been carefully examined, the output has been that the health benefits of such a diet is higher than what many people think, an the benefits to the planet are numerous.

best omega 3 sources for vegans 

Health benefits

Being vegan has been proven to slim you down, to provide more energy and to make you healthier by combating heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes and blood pressure among others. It makes your body function optimally, by removing all the energy-sapping substances and increasing your metabolism. The very fact that it helps to lose weight is enough for many people to be convinced.

Saving the planet

The production and farming of meat is uneconomical and inefficient, and causes pollution. Going meat free turns this all around and helps the planet in the process. There is a lot of wastage in meat farming, and there is a lot of water and energy needed to feed cattle and to process meat. In the bigger picture, meat eating is a very large part of the environmental distress many part of the world are feeling right now. 

It’s highly fashionable at the moment

Many actors, celebrities and top sportspeople are opting in to plant-based diets or to be simply eating less meat, and it’s the cool thing to do right now. These people are aware of the health benefit, but many of the support the plant-based vegan living because of ethical reasons, and wish to be kinder to animals of our planet. 

When it comes to fish oil however, vegans and vegetarians cannot consume it. It is derived directly from fish, and does not fit into the vegan or vegetarian ethos.  Fish oil has many health benefits however, mainly derived from the omega-3 fatty acids component, but for vegans and vegetarians, flaxseed oil is a great alternative. It has enough omega-3 fatty acids to be a very comparable additive, while totally vegan friendly.

Omega-3 fatty acids

It’s a trendy, futuristic kind of name, omega-3, and all the cool people are using it. Omega-3 fatty acids are the most important fats you need to have in your diet. They consist of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They have been proven to reduce inflammation in the body and improve hypertriglyceridemia, amongst a whole gamut of other health benefits. When it comes to omega-3, you can do no wrong.


best omega 3 sources for vegans

Omega-3 has great benefits to the mind and body, it is recommended that around 300 mg of combined EPA and DHA is sufficient to improve human health. Vegan omega-3 has been proven in many cases to have higher levels than fish oil for improved health benefits. It also serves the additional benefits of being vegan or vegan-sourced, so is much less of a burden on the planet and on your body.  

Vegans and people following a plant-base diet are very industrious when it comes to finding alternatives to their meat and diary eating friends and the meat-friendly menus, and they are also diligent when it comes to finding alternatives as well as sourcing supplements when things might feel a little deficient.  There are many alternatives to fish oil, with similarly high levels of EPA and DHA.

These alternatives include some of the following: algal oil, the wonderful hemp seed and the omega-3 loaded flaxseed.


Echium seed oil and chia seeds oil are also loaded with EPA and DHA, as well as walnuts, canola oil and perilla oil.

What oil?

With the many oils in the market, it sometimes gets a bit confusing as to which ones are the good ones, and which ones might not be quite as good for you. There are a few options that might surprise you with their omega-3 count.

For example, soybean oil is not a good example of an oil with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, containing a higher percentage of omega-6. Similarly, sunflower oil is an omega-6 predominant oil, and it is recommended that people cut down on any oils and supplements that contain an excess of omega-6.

Olive oil is another poor source of omega-3 fatty acids, with the predominant fatty acid in olive oil being oleic acid. This acid has been shown in studies to reduce inflammation, so while not as bad as omega-6, it’s not as health-beneficial as omega-3.

Finally, coconut oil is a surprisingly poor performer when it comes to omega-3 fatty acid delivery, containing no omega-3 whatsoever.

It is a bit of a minefield out there in trying to identify the correct oils and the correct fatty acids, and one does need to be vigilant when addressing certain health issues with these substances, but what does come out is that there are a number of alternatives to fish oil, and for that reason alone many vegans and people on plant-based diets can find cause to celebrate.